Sanz Unveiled...
By sanz on 8:16 PM
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Who is Sandra....
Wow, this is actually a difficult question. I used to know, but it seems as I grow older, instead of understanding more of myself, I know less, I am more confused and less established in who I am.
But heres what I do:
I am a Kiwi chick (from New Zealand), who is blunt & opinionated. This is a blessing and a curse, I am very honest, but what I say can come across very harsh sometimes.
I can be fun and I will try almost anything once lol and again if I like it hehe I am fiesty, and a tad crazy.
I have very few friends, prolly because of the above reasons. I find that true friends are hard to come by-but those few I have, I cherish! And they may never read this, but I hope they know who they are, my heart goes out to them ~ Thanks for been there for me :)
"I am who I am, deal with it!"
Love me or Hate me.
I have my issues like we all do, and a true friend is someone who stands by you through them, who doesnt judge you for them, and doesnt rub them in your face.
I have mine, and yes they affect who I am sadly. But I can only learn from them and let me help me grow into something better...
I am still growing!!!
I love to write song lyrics and love music... listening to it, been saturated in it, playing it (I play the sax on rare occasion lol)... I love art and photography. I paint and draw and make an artistic mess lol :D
(just like my messed up mind).
There is prolly more, but that about sums it up for now I guess...